Wednesday, June 5, 2013
8. Cyberculture Manifestations
Such things that have sprouted from this dependency on the interwebs are things such as blogs, memes, online games, social networking, and instant messaging. While some of these manifestations are quite useful--social networking and communication--, some things face lesser meaningful value but are praised from users at a greater level. The things known as memes are possibly the most idiotic fan-spread craze that has swept across the world wide web. They are simply stupid repeated saying with stupid pictures. And yet those are what's "popular" in the cyberculture.
As stated in a previous post, parents should restrict their children from certain parts of this culture. The internet has a dark side consisting of porn, and sites that could lead to unsafe connections with people. Not only is some content inappropriate, but I can say from experience that Internet use is like drug use. Its habit forming. People learn to communicate through this cyberculture but lose the ability to communicate face to face. This cyberculture is a double-edged sword of wonderful things while other parts could be done without.
Posted by Unknown at 9:17 PM 0 comments
7. Wireless Networking Precautions
Wireless networking is wonderful. One can go virtually anywhere with a wifi hotspot and be able to connect to the internet without being hard-wired into the modem. There are two main wireless networks you should concern yourself with as well as take precautions with. The first ones are private wireless networks which you will find in your home, or others homes, and workplaces. To protect your computer and your information, always have an updated protection software on your computer to prevent viruses. Also, keep all your passwords safe. The best passwords are cryptic and hard to decipher.
The other type of wifi one can find are public wireless networks. In public hotspots, there are chances that other users of the same public wireless network may have access to your information and what you are browsing. The best way to prevent information being stolen is to avoid doing tasks that require use of credit card information or anything that involves your money or your personal information. Also, it still important to keep that anti-virus protection.
Posted by Unknown at 9:16 PM 0 comments
6. Cloud Computing
An example of cloud computing and storage are online e.mail engines such as aol or yahoo. With these, users have access to all the data in their email without all that information being stored onto their own computer.
Posted by Unknown at 8:33 PM 0 comments
5. Parental Control Software
There are two sides of the internet. The one side that is family friendly, educational, and entertaining. And the side that consists of online chatting with strangers, browsing and displaying inappropriate content, and the addiction to it all.
All this content is not preferred by parents to be subjected to their children. That is why it is useful to look into parental control and filtering software. These types of software restrict and monitor what kids browse on the internet. n With these types of software, parents can block inappropriate content, monitor who their children are talking to, and limit their children's amount of time online. When looking into software of this kind, always aim for one that is tough against hackers, because today, many children are extremely tech savvy and can work their way around a block no problem.
Along with filtering certain content from children, parents should educate their kids to how to safely use the internet and what content that isn't exactly appropriate for younger audiences.,2817,2346997,00.asp
Posted by Unknown at 8:12 PM 0 comments
4. Radio Frequency Identification (RFID)
One of the futures for this product is to replace UPCs. Rather than scanning each product, the RFID tags would communicate with the electronic reader and be rung up instantaneously and simultaneously. This method would prove to be more effective than the UPC system in place today.
Posted by Unknown at 7:49 PM 0 comments
3. Digital Image Steganography
On the computer, images are produced by precise coding of binary and hexidecimal patterns. Also constructed by binary coding are letters, numbers, and all the characters one can find on a keyboard as well as special alt characters. In the embedding of an images makeup, digital image steganographers can overlay certain codes and messages within an image.
Posted by Unknown at 7:27 PM 0 comments
2. Computer Forensics
Posted by Unknown at 6:36 PM 0 comments
1. Packet Analyzer? What is this?!
Man, finding the information for what a network packet analyzer is sure is a pain. Browsing google, all I'm getting are different types of analyzers there are to download from different companies. All these choices but what am I looking for? What do I need them to do?
A network packet analyzer analyzes and decodes network protocol headers, packets, and trailers. Packets are groups of binary information that only computers can read. Packets also include a series of instuctions for computers to follow. In the wrong hands--such as hackers-- certain packet analyzers could become devasting to other users.
The purpose of these are to monitor network traffic, analyze packets, watch network resource utilization, conduct forensic analysis of network security breaches and troubleshoot network problems. Good packet analyzers consist of two parts. The first part is a Monitoring Probe, a device deployed at various point of the network; and the second part, a Consol, a software package installed in the Network Operation Center (NOC) to centrally monitor all Probes.
Posted by Unknown at 2:31 PM 0 comments