Wednesday, June 5, 2013

7. Wireless Networking Precautions

Wireless networking is wonderful.  One can go virtually anywhere with a wifi hotspot and be able to connect to the internet without being hard-wired into the modem.  There are two main wireless networks you should concern yourself with as well as take precautions with.  The first ones are private wireless networks which you will find in your home, or others homes, and workplaces.  To protect your computer and your information, always have an updated protection software on your computer to prevent viruses.  Also, keep all your passwords safe.  The best passwords are cryptic and hard to decipher.

The other type of wifi one can find are public wireless networks.  In public hotspots, there are chances that other users of the same public wireless network may have access to your information and what you are browsing.  The best way to prevent information being stolen is to avoid doing tasks that require use of credit card information or anything that involves your money or your personal information.  Also, it still important to keep that anti-virus protection.